
Simplified Chinese is now supported in Snap Send Solve

We are excited to launch an exciting new feature in Whitehorse City Council area, with plans to roll it out to other regions.

We know that our English language community is enthusiastic about the app and has seen quick responses. Whitehorse City Council wants our Chinese community to share the same experience and help keep our city clean.

They reached out to Snap Send Solve to collaborate on a solution. The result is a new version of the app that now supports Simplified Chinese for incident types relevant to council.

How to use simplified Chinese in Snap Send Solve


To add Chinese to your iPhone:

  1. Open Settings app
  2. Click on General
  3. Click on Language & Region
  4. Set Preferred Language

Simplified Chinese will now show within Snap Send Solve for incident types relevant to Whitehorse City Council. You must be within the council’s area to use this new feature.


To add Chinese to your Android:

1. Open Snap Send Solve app

  1. Click on Account at the bottom
  2. Click on Language
  3. Select Simplified Chinese Language (简体中文)

You'll now see Simplified Chinese for incident types relevant to Whitehorse City Council. You must be within the council’s area to use this new feature.

Spread the word within Whitehorse

If you know someone within the Whitehorse Chinese community that could benefit from using Simplified Chinese to report issues to council, please let them know using this link.

Do you work at a council?

If you work at a council that would like to increase accessibility to your Chinese community, please email contact@snapsendsolve.com for further information on how to offer this feature to your community. Let's work together to improve our shared spaces in the community!

Snap Send Solve 应用现在支持简体中文我们很高兴在白马市议推出这一激动人心的新功能,并计划将其推广到其他地区。我们的应用已经在英语社区中广受好评。 白马市希望这个应用能够在我们的华人社区能够有同样的体验,能够帮助我们保持城市的清洁。得益于白马市和Snap Send Solve的密切合作,现在新版本的应用程序已经能够支持简体中文了 如何在Snap Send Solve中使用简体中文操作系统将中文添加到您的 iPhone: 打开设置应用  点击通用  点击语言和地区 4.设置首选语言Snap Send Solve会将于白马市相关的事件以简体中文显示。 您必须在白马市的范围内才能使用此新功能。安卓将中文添加到您的 Android: 打开 Snap Send Solve 应用  点击底部的**账户*  点击语言  选择简体中文语言 (简体中文) 于白马市相关的事件会以简体中文显示。 您必须在白马市的范围内才能使用此新功能。 向白马市的居民推荐您可以[使用此链接推荐我们应用] 让更多人能够用简体中文向白马市政府报告问题。 你在政府工作吗?如果您在希望在华人社区中推广便利的社区服务,请发送电子邮件至 contact@snapsendsolve.com 以获取有关如何为您的社区提供此功能的更多信息。让我们一起努力改善社区中的共享空间吧!

An illustrated graphic of the app screen with a Snapper character
An illustrated graphic of the app screen with a Snapper character
An illustrated graphic of the app screen with a Snapper character
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