Recent heavy rainfall on the East Coast has led to a significant surge in water and sewer-related issues, causing a staggering 97.5% increase in Snaps. As a result, Albury residents are urgently calling for immediate council intervention to address what has become a "dangerous" problem.
Albury City Council has long been committed to maintaining its extensive 555 km road network through a proactive street cleaning program. However, the recent deluge has posed unprecedented challenges. Leaves and debris have accumulated in stormwater drains, causing blockages and increasing the risk of flooding. This has heightened concerns among residents, who are witnessing firsthand the impact of clogged drains on their streets and homes.
Shane Bates, Team Leader of Streetscapes and Gardens, acknowledges the challenges posed by the recent weather conditions. He states, "Council receives more than 3,000 Snap Send Solve requests each year, and we’re currently investigating how we can more effectively close the loop with the community in a timely way."
This commitment to improving communication and response times is a positive step towards addressing the community's concerns.
Using Snap Send Solve to report issues like overgrown vegetation, blocked drains, and other community concerns plays a vital role in keeping our neighbourhoods safe and well-maintained. Your Snaps help the council prioritise and address issues promptly, ensuring that our shared spaces remain functional and safe, especially during these extreme weather conditions.
Read more about the community's call for action and the council's response here.