We’d like to say a huge thank you to over 50,000 Snappers for joining in this year's Big Spring Clean and making it such a success. Together we sent over 115,000 Snaps, helping to spring clean communities all across Australia and New Zealand.

Thanks to our amazing Solvers who have been working hard to respond to all our Snaps, with over 91% of closed reports marked as Solved.

Congratulations to our Big Spring Clean winners:

Week 1: Earl F. donating to Lungitude Foundation

Earl’s niece, Zoe, was the youngest Australian at the time to have a double lung and heart transplant at the age of 5. After Zoe’s passing, the Lungitude Foundation created a Paediatric Fellowship in her honour.

Find out more about Zoe’s Fellowship.

Earl started using Snap Send Solve to ensure his local park wasn’t filled with random rubbish.

Week 2: Rachael T. donating to Pets of the Homeless Australia

Rachael believes that pets can be so good for mental health with their unconditional love, and organisations like Pets of the Homeless Australia can ease the stress of supporting a pet.

Rachael first used Snap Send Solve years ago to Snap two damaged trees that were smashed into by a car, she was able to get the damaged trees mulched up in no time!

Week 3: Jason C donating to Walk With Us GC

Jason chose a charity close to his heart, Walk With Us Gold Coast, as they provide a home-cooked meal to individuals and families in need. Established in 2015 the charity has been serving up breakfast and dinner for 8 years now.

Jason first found out about Snap Send Solve through A Current Affair and started Snapping dumped rubbish around his community, believing that we should all work together to keep our communities clean.

Week 4: Nick H donating to Frankston Life Community Brekky Club

Stay tuned for Nick's story.

Week 5: Keep an eye out!