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What to Snap this summer

June 28, 2024

As we welcome warmer days, it's the perfect season to get Snapping and contribute to the safety of our communities. Here's a checklist of crucial issues to keep an eye out for as we welcome the summer months!

1. Damaged Fire Hydrants and Concealed Marker Posts

In the event of a fire, every second counts. A damaged fire hydrant or obstructed marker post may significantly delay firefighters' access. Keeping these elements in good condition is paramount for a swift response, especially as temperatures rise and the weather gets dryer.

2. Overgrown Vegetation

Overgrown, dry, and dead vegetation heightens the risk of severe fires, particularly during the summer. This excess vegetation not only acts as potential fuel for fires but also amplifies the intensity of the flames. Vigilance in identifying and Snapping this risk is crucial for community safety.

3. Unshaded Play Equipment and Picnic Areas

With rising temperatures, ensuring outdoor facilities are adequately shaded is paramount. Unshaded play equipment and picnic areas, especially items like children's slides and metal BBQs, can become scorching hot, posing the risk of burns and blisters on contact.

Let's work together to make this summer safe and enjoyable for everyone. Get Snapping!

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